WOW! I can’t believe we are already in week 3 of the @Target #BestYearEver campaign. I love re-watching the videos I did with @toddyrockstar and @iHasCupquake and reliving all the fun we had. But, this week it was all about the girls as @anneorshine1 and I worked to give Emily and Solia the best dorm makeover ever....
And, of course I wanted to create a space that Emily would love so she wouldn’t feel like she was trapped in a box and wanting to go home every weekend. I must say, us girls really rocked it out. Stay tuned throughout the week to see what we did. And, I would love to hear any stories from any of you that played the “roommate game.” How fun is that? Also, “Tan Suit” if you’re out there, I hope you’re watching.